Ekrituur.nl bestaat sinds 2011 en wordt geschreven door Christiaan Ronda, die gepubliceerd werd in DW B, Tijdschrift Terras, Tirade, Deus Ex Machina, Kluger Hans en Extaze. Hij dwaalt tegenwoordig door Berlijn en is te bereiken op ekrituur[apenstaartje]gmail.com.
Categoriearchief: English ??
A barefoot man runs by as if he’s trying to catch the bus. His pink, loose trousers flapping like the flag of a country that never existed. Here and there the rotten sidewalk has been repaired with fresh asphalt. Black … Lees verder
A naked boy on the battlefield, de-legged or legless, only got one arm left, ash and grass and blood and a gunpowder smell. In his stomach—stomach of bee wax candle wax—a gash: a neat, clean wound, criminally surgical. His body … Lees verder
Geplaatst in English ??
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All the Knights but One ??
Once upon a time, a king had assembled his finest knights in the great hall of the royal palace and said, Go out into the world, brave lords, and bring me a thing that doesn’t exist. One by one, the … Lees verder
Geplaatst in English ??
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Once upon a time, there wasn’t anyone ??
Once upon a time, there was—untouched by clocks or calendars—a room. The room looked like a cube; the distance between the floor and the ceiling was slightly less than the distance between the sides of the room, but that was … Lees verder
Geplaatst in Breuken/Flitsen, English ??
Getagged Collage, Daniil Charms, Eenzaamheid, Entropie, Monsters
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Fragment from Boaz Koriander’s Diary ??
Fragment from Boaz Koriander’s Diary / Salva me ab ore leonis Fort Worth, 23 [illegible] 1980 The same hotel. I sit on the edge of the itching bed staring out the window into nothingness and never, a desert of gravel … Lees verder
Geplaatst in Boaz Koriander, English ??, Mirabilia
Getagged Boaz Koriander, English, Het Sublieme, Walter Finsternis
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Drink Prophet / Sic transit gloria mundi ??
My wallet’s as empty as a fat girl’s vagina on a Monday night mumbled the ceremonial drunk to no one in particular, and no one would listen, and even the swirling low-pressure areas in the dank wood of the bar … Lees verder
Geplaatst in English ??, Mirabilia
Getagged Bloed, Drank, Dromen, Eenzaamheid, Eindtijd, English, Extase, Hoop, Moraliteit, Profeten, Utopie, Wanhoop
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The Grinning of Clouds ??
. THE GRINNING OF CLOUDS – Boaz Koriander (1981) Chapter 1. I’m trying to read but my flatmates have returned from their tour and there’s no ignoring them. When I first saw the place—stammering irrelevant questions in my best … Lees verder